Frustration with my home network’s WAN connectivity randomly flapping and being somewhat cheap led me to see if I could get paged without having worry about email relays or paying for your traditional notification service à la PagerDuty (pricey) or VictorOps (unreliable).

The first order of business was to write up a simple script to perform some checks against my home network.  It’s a simple shell script run through cron that maintains a running log of check attempts and results.  Each time it runs, reads the last result, performs new checks, and if the state changed from the previous attempt, then send out an alert.

The code for the script is below or check it out at GitHub.


## Very basic check to see if home network is up.
## First attempt SSH connection to server.
## If this fails, then attempt to ping router.
## Record result of check to logfile.
## If current check status is different than last check status
##    sent message to Slack via webhook

## Host and SSH port to check

## Slack Hook and Channel

## LogFile to maintain check state.

## Send a color coded message to Slack
function notifySlack () {

  case "${status}" in

  payload="\"attachments\": [{ \"title\": \"${hostname} status is ${status}\", \"text\": \"${result}\", \"color\": \"${color}\" }]"
  if [ ! -z "${slackChannel}" ]; then
     curl -s -XPOST --data-urlencode "payload={ \"channel\": \"${slackChannel}\", ${payload} }" ${slackWebHook} > /dev/null 2>&1
     curl -s -XPOST --data-urlencode "payload={ ${payload} }" ${slackWebHook} > /dev/null 2>&1

## Get previous status
lastEvent=`tail -1 ${logFile}`
lastStatus=`echo ${lastEvent} | awk '{ print $4 }'`

### First Check Host if SSH is up.
results=`echo QUIT | nc -v -w 5 ${hName} ${port} 2>&1 | grep -v mismatch`
res=`echo ${results} | awk '{print $5}'`

## Check connection status, set to WARNING if this fails
if [ "${res}" != "open" ]; then
   echo `date +"%h %d %T"` WARNING $results >> ${logFile}
   ## Try pinging host
   results2=`ping -c 5 ${hName} | grep packets`
   percent=`echo ${results2} | awk '{ print $6 }' | sed -e 's/\%//'`
   if [ "${percent}" -gt 0 ]; then
      echo `date +"%h %d %T"` CRITICAL $results2 >> ${logFile}
   ## Otherwise we are okay
   echo `date +"%h %d %T"` OK $results >> ${logFile}

## Do we notify Slack?
if [ "${status}" != "${lastStatus}" ]; then
   results=`tail -1 ${logFile}`
   notifySlack "${status}" "${hName}" "${results}"

The script is run simply through cron and I have it scheduled to run every 2 minutes from a machine outside my home network.  For myself, I don’t have the script post to a channel, but rather it sends a direct message.  Then in my Slack notification settings, I make sure it sends a push notification for direct messages and for certain words/phrases.

In the above, the system alerted when its SSH check against my home machine failed.  I only consider this a warning as the overall network could still be okay.  The logic flow dictates, that if the SSH fails, then it attempts to ping the router.  The below shows an alert and recovery related to the WAN interface dropping off the Internet.

Overall, it works pretty well.  Using a script and cron is pretty rudimentary monitoring, but it accomplished the basic need.  These alerts have allowed me to narrow down my search through the logs from my home router to track down its problems.

Fortune: You would do well in the field of computer technology.

I received this fortune in a cookie from lunch the other day.
  Lunch was catered Chinese
    in the office of my current employer;
      an Internet technology start-up
        where I stand in front of computer screens
          For large portions of the day.

I manage a team of computer people.
  More often called System Administrators, or
    Network Administrators, or
      Site Reliability Engineers, or
        Site Reliability Operators, or
          IT, Ops, or DevOps*.

Some of my time involves meetings
  with software developers and engineers
    solving software and service architectural problems
      and coming to agreements on how to progress forward.

Sometimes I even write code
  something I’ve been doing since 1983.
    Other times I setup, configure, and maintain
      large scale Internet infrastructures and web services.
        The combination of those two functions has been my profession since 1993.

Over 20 years in this field.
  It doesn’t really seem that long.
    Probably because I’ve done well by it
      And for the most part enjoyed the work very much.

I guess this fortune cookie turned out true
  If maybe a bit after the fact had been well settled.
    Had I received it 30 years ago, though,
      I would’ve just said, “Duh, I’m going to do that anyway.”

* I consider DevOps to be an organizational structure and philosophy focused on development and operational practices.  It is not IMHO a job title or position.  Using it as such is frequently a sign that someone doesn’t know what they are talking about.

Alcohol content: a wee dram (Macallan Fine Oak 21 Year)

I’ve spent my life recording numbers to generate graphs to make sense of the world.  The numbers are what’s important, but humans do not really gain comprehension staring at rows and columns of numbers.  The human brain is made for visual processing.  A glance at a well plotted graph can present more value than attempting to read through the millions of data points that made up the graph.  The plot illuminates the data and should allow a reasonable person to intuit meaning.  I’ve probably tossed many kilograms of notebooks filled with data sets and plotted graphs.  Almost no one ever cared about the numbers, just the resulting graphs.

Figures at Work

I’ve used GIFs generated with ancient versions of GNU Plot  to analyze performance data.  The pain of creating the graphs turned justified when insights were gained from simple visualizations.

From: File Distribution Efficiencies: cfengine vs. rsync

Certainly, in my line of work pretty pictures help explain what’s going on to a wider audience than the raw numbers.  You can immediately look at a picture and notice when something appears out of the ordinary.

Maybe we should look at why the CPU load just spiked there.


Maybe things are happily cycling along.

Other times, I’ve needed to translate the data to justify costs or ways to lower costs.  The following graph helped start a conversation with finance to purchase Amazon AWS Reserved Instances.  A full multi-sheet spreadsheet explaining the financial breakdown was still needed for full justification.  But without this and few other pretty pictures, the discussion and the approval of the up front costs would never have happened.

How many EC2 Instances are we running?

But that’s just work and part of the expected drudgery of justifying your department’s daily existence.  You do them like annual reviews and power point presentations; get them done to prove your point, then try to get back to real work…  Unless you are a scientist (data or otherwise), in which case, collecting data points and graphing the results might be your real job.

Zen and the Art of Keeping Track of My Car

But even before I ever had to plot a graph in school, I watched my dad keep a small notebook in every car to record the mileage, fuel added, fuel costs, etc.  He’d calculate the MPG since the last fuel stop and record that, and then reset the tripmeter.  He’d also indicate when he’d perform an old change or some other service on the car.  It was a valuable service record for the car.  Noticing a change in MPG could also indicate that something .  I continued the tradition when I started driving my own cars.  And it didn’t take me long to realize there was so much more information in those numbers if I could plot them.

Automotive gas prices clearly cycle over time, but over the years have been trending down in Northern California.  The slight uptick at the end could mean summer prices are coming.  But in this case, it’s more a matter of which town I needed to get gas.

Premium Gas Prices ($/gal) Over Time

How’s my driving?  So as I drive more, a higher percentage of my time spent in this car is commuting.  Commuting seems to be so much more fuel efficient than track days and auto-crossing.

Fuel Efficiency (or lack therof)

I’m driving this car a whole lot more now.

Trips vs Odometer

Example Google Sheets Logbook

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Maybe all this tracking, accounting, and graphing is sign of some compulsion on my part.  Certainly when it comes to question of my personal health, I become obsessive about tracking as many variables as possible.  There have been a few times when I’ve been not entirely healthy and the cause was not immediately apparent.  When a doctor or group of doctors become interested in you, life becomes less than pleasant.  On more than one occasion, after months of specialists and testing my body has sorted itself out.  Whatever was wrong resolved itself with no definitive answer for a cause.  The interminable wait between lab results and doctors visits, though, left for too much time for fidgeting and speculation.

Until wearable medical devices came around, I kept log books.  During one of these months long investigative sessions my log filled dozens of composition book pages.  Over three months I documented when symptoms would occur, the severity, duration, what remediation steps were taken, and their efficacy.  One specialist upon reading through my notes suggested I was adding to my general stress levels.  He did not come right out and suggest this additional stress was the cause of my ills, but I suspect that was on his mind.  I won’t discount that possibility entirely.  But sitting around waiting for something to happen and someone else to do something felt worse.

With a wearable, especially one that can track heart rates, the paper log book becomes a bit less necessary.

Resting Pulse over Months

There’s still a lot of manual data entry than has to go on, but apps like Apple Health and My Fitness Pal make it less tedious.  Apple’s Health app has horrible graphing in my opinion and without paying for it, it’s difficult to get all your data out of FitBit.  Using QS Access on the iPhone helps to move the data points into a spreadsheet like Google Apps or Excel where you can manipulate and visualize the data.

Blood Pressure Measurements over Months

I still don’t know what’s going on with my current malady.  At least by recording data points and making graphs I feel like I’m doing something for my treatment while I wait for the next test or visit.

Alcohol content: measurements not recorded

Even before BYOD further blurred the lines between work and home life, employees used their corporate supplied devices for personal use. Regardless, keeping personal browsing separated from work related browsing is a good idea. Perfect hygiene would dictate using different computers for personal and corporate use, that's rarely ever happens. There are a number of different ways you can use the same computer for both personal and corporate browsing including having separate accounts on the machine (if you have permissions), running personal stuff in a virtual machine, or running different browsers for each purpose.

The last is probably the easiest and I have a co-worker who claims to run 5 different browsers on his laptop just for this purpose. Mind you, there are a lot of other reasons for wanting to run different browsers for different purposes. You could be running different browsers for testing, performance, and security reasons. I'm not going to delve into that. I'm just focusing on using the same browser for different tasks that are isolated from each other.

In this case I'm using Google Chrome and I want to use it for both personal and work-related browsing. I also need to make sure to keep the activities of one isolated from the other. Using private browsing for personal stuff might suffice in many cases. Since I sync stuff among personal machines, though, private browsing won't work. Instead, here's how I run multiple instances of Chrome on the same machine at the same time.

The following are instructions for OS X, but should work similarly on a Linux desktop adjusting paths as necessary. I haven't touched a Microsoft Windows PC in nearly a decade, so I have no idea how to pull this off there.

Initializing a New User Data Directory

Chrome stores user configurations, extensions, bookmarks, cookies, caches, stored forms, and other transient data in a user data directory. Knowing this, you can setup different data directories for each type of "user" while having just one Chrome binary installed. Here are the steps to get that going.

The default location for Chrome to store the user data is /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/. I use this default for my work account. To create and initialize a new user directory perform the following tasks in a Terminal window.
  1. export chromeApp="/Applications/Google Chrome"
  2. mkdir ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome-personal
  3. "${chromeApp}" --user-data-dir="/Users/andy/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome-personal" >/dev/null 2>&1
Notice that in the quoted line in item 3 you need to use the full path to the data directory. Tilde (~) expansion will not work within the quoted string.

The last command should start up a new Chrome browser. First Chrome will pop-up with a "Welcome to Google Chrome" window. Upon clicking "Start Google Chrome" it will populate the Chrome-personal directory with initial user data, and then bring forward a browser window. This will ask you to log into Chrome. Whether you do that is up to you.

With the new Chrome window open, you will need to install any extensions, bookmarks, etc you want to customize this browser. I would highly suggest setting a theme to this window so that it is easily visually different from any other copies of Chrome you might run at the same time.

Lather, rinse, repeat for any additional entities you'd like to create.

Startup Script

I wrote a simple shell script to start my browsers up with the requisite user directories. Since Chrome is set as the default browser on my system, it is important to note that the first Chrome process started will be the one that gets used for opening new links from other applications. In the example below, this makes my personal session the default for new tabs/windows from other applications. – gist link

## Chrome App
app="/Applications/Google Chrome"

## Non-default user data directories
usrDir="/Users/andy/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome-personal"

## Fire up Chrome
"${app}" --user-data-dir="${usrDir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
"${app}" >/dev/null 2>&1 &

## If Chrome is default browser, then the first process fired will be
## where new links/tabs are spawned from other applications.
Remember to chmod u+x chromes after you are done editing.

You can now fire off this script from any open Terminal window. Or you can do the following to make it run when double-clicked in the Finder.

Make a Shell Script Run Like a Native App

In your Terminal window perform the following:
  1. mkdir -p ~/Applications/
  2. copy your shell script to ~/Applications/
    • e.g. cp ~/Applications/
  3. open ~/Applications/
Chromes in Finder
Chromes script in Finder
In the Finder window that opens, select and type ⌘-i to open the information pane for the shell script. Then change Open with to
Chromes Finder Info panel: Open With
Open with
Run open ~/Applications to open a Finder window with the local user Applications. in Finder in Finder
Select in Finder this type ⌘-i to open the information pane for the Application. Download and open in Preview the following png file. In Preview select all (⌘-a) and copy (⌘-c) the image. Then select the Icon at the top of the Application Information pane and paste the image (⌘-v). You will see the size of the application change and after a few seconds the Icon for will change as well. Finder Info Finder Info
You can now double-click the and fire up your multi-Chrome browsers. You can also drag the Application Icon from the Finder into your Dock for future use.

    Example Icon

The Results:
Two Different Chrome Processes
Two Different Chrome Processes

Alcohol content: low (clearly huffing glue)

Parking at one of the Veritas/Symantec building in Mountain View and I saw this posted on a nearby dumpster enclosure.  Considering that this particular piece of real estate has cycled from Fairchild, National Semiconductor, Cisco, Netscape, AOL, VeriSign, Symantec, Veritas, and is owned now by Google, I was surprised and depressed that this is about the only relic from that first dot-com boom.

I probably already have co-workers who look at Netscape as a historical item in the same way a PDP-11 was to me.

Alcohol content: stone code sobriety (a 40 poured out in memorial)